The character of movement will, in a timeframe and to a degree dependent on the metabolic conditions of an organism, transform the tissues in a fashion conducive to efficiency in those movement patterns. That is, the body will shape itself to meet the demands routinely placed upon it, to the extent it is able, given the metabolic resources available. This will be most obvious for those demands which are encountered routinely for prolonged periods, as in postural habits or the movements necessary to perform one’s job or move about in the world. It will also be obvious, though less so than the former cases, from intense but less frequent endeavors like lifting weights, martial arts training or running several times per week.
Some movement patterns foster changes that are consistent with healthy, flexible, dynamic functionality in daily life and athletic pursuits generally, whereas others are suboptimal compensations for certain activities that have grave consequences for one’s general capacity to move effectively, adaptively, efficiently and sustainably. It is the core mission of physical culture to discern the mechanical principles and patterns which are consistent with and conducive to healthy, sustainable, vigorous bodily motion in both the varied demands of daily living and the more intense but narrow demands of crises, athletics, bodily artistry, and the like. It is about learning how to strengthen and beautify the body in all its aspects, so that our life as a whole is greatly expanded and enriched.
Shallow, cynical people often mistake this quest for vanity, but it is far more than that. It is transforming the vessel through which you experience every single thing that has happened or will happen to you in this life, on this Earth.The body is the bottleneck through which mind or spirit is expressed. We cannot manifest what cannot pass through this bottleneck. Absent the cultivation and care of our corporeal aspect we will remain prisoners in our own minds, perhaps gripped by beautiful visions and sentiments, yet quite incapable of actualizing them.
Even the simplest actions become more pleasant, less irksome, more gratifying when you are overflowing with strength and vitality. The world presents far more options to you wherever you are when your body is agile, flexible and swift. Lovers will, of course, respond far differently to a healthy, coordinated, powerful physique than a bent, inflamed, disjointed and weak one. There is yet more, but I won't belabor the point. If you cannot see the utility and the importance of that, then I cannot help you. Ignore and mistreat the flesh at your peril, for you diminish more than your body in so doing.